New Android Phone Scam

We’re seeing reports about a new Android phone scam that infects Android based phones with malicious spyware.
Called Flubot the message refers to a parcel delivery and suggests you install their tracking app in order to track the delivery. The ‘App’ is actually malicious spyware that can spy on phones to gather sensitive Data, including banking details. According to Vodafone there are millions of the text messages currently being sent across all networks.
This is very new and we’re still looking into it but more information can be found from the NCSC’s website by following the below link.
As ever, with most scams, awareness is the key to not getting caught out guys.
Edit. Hopefully you haven’t fallen victim to this one but if you have managed to install the App then a factory reset is required. Do NOT log into any accounts using your phone or enter any passwords. If you do then immediately change this passwords and login details either on a separate device or on the Android phone but ONLY after a factory reset. Note if you do not have your phone backed up you will lose Data. Also remember that any backup you reinstall must have been taken before the malicious App was installed.
Further advice on factory resets can be found here