Cyber Essentials & Cyber Essentials Plus
Cyber Essentials is a minimum standard that recognises a company has undergone an IT security Audit and is compliant with a number of IT specific security standards.
It is a government endorsed scheme. The compliance standard is technically based and ensures you have secure protocols and procedures in place, going some way to ensure a cyber-attack is much more difficult than it otherwise would be. CyberShelter will manage this entire process for you.
As long as our advice is followed, we guarantee compliance. CyberShelter are also a CB (Certifying Body) for Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials+.
​Cyber Essentials plus is an extension to the Cyber Essentials scheme, it includes a more robust internal and external network vulnerability scan, additional testing of AV and browser protection systems and more in-depth analysis of software that is in use by the client.
For more information visit www.iasme.co.uk and www.ncsc.gov.uk